Experimental data are smoothed by spline functions at, first, to filter out the influence of measuring errors, and then, the derivatives of measured data are calculated by combining the spline technique with finite element methods. 首先对实验数据样条平滑,消除测量误差的影响,然后与有限单元法相结合,进行微分计算。
The smoothed data of the certified reference material a-alumina are in agreement with those of the NIST within ± 0.1%. 本基准测定的标准物质α-Al2O3摩尔热容舒平值与美国国家标准局发布的数据比较,在300~670K温度范围其一致性在0.1%以内。
When the loss rate is relatively less, the additive increase arithmetic is adopted, and the control function is designed according to the thought of using the smoothed number of lost data packets of unit time to compensate the sending rate. 丢失率过小,采用慢增算法,用平滑过的单位丢失的包数量对发送端的发送速率进行补偿的思想设计控制函数。
By computing correlation coefficient, we establish calibration equation with the smoothed absorbance data. The error is controlled under 6%. 通过计算相关系数,对平滑处理后的吸收数据建立校准方程,棉和涤纶的检测精度为6%。